Who Loves being a Woman?
This past year I have been through the hormonal ringer. And pretty much every stop had me wanting chocolate.
First - I suffered with infertility for a couple of years. It was a very depressing and sad time and I spent many a day with a kleenex in one hand and chocolate in the other.
THEN I got pregnant!

It's a miracle I didn't gain 75 pounds because this girl wanted a lot of chocolate.

One month ago - my sweet baby girl was born - and she was critically ill.
So we spent 3 weeks in the NICU. God healed her and she is a healthy beautiful girl now (You can see her and read about her here).
People were so kind to send us snacks and lots and lots of chocolate. It sure helped my stress to snack on some candy while we sat in the waiting room.
And I have something great for you:

There are five delicious favors which I have sampled and I have to tell you I can not pick a favorite - they are all YUMM-O!

The prize pack:
1 carton of M&M'S® Premiums Raspberry Almond
1 carton of M&M'S® Premiums Chocolate Almond
1 carton of M&M'S® Premiums Mocha
1 carton of M&M'S® Premiums Triple Chocolate
4 M&M'S® Brand Martini Glasses
1 pack of M&M'S® Premiums Wine Charms
All you have to do is leave me a comment and tell me the times in your life when you MOST want chocolate - have to have it, crave it, need it.......!!!!!!
To enter, leave me a comment below and share your story - or you may leave a link to your post on your own blog in the comments below. The contest will begin at 12:00 a.m. (PST) on Monday, February 16th, and will end Sunday, February 22nd at 11:59 p.m (PST). Make sure that the e-mail address you leave is correct. (And your e-mail address will remain private.)
* No duplicate comments.
* This giveaway is open to U.S. residents.
* Winners will be selected via random draw, and will notified by e-mail.
* You have 48 hours to get back to me, otherwise a new winner will be selected.
* See the official rules for details.
I need chocolate when I am sad. After loosing Junior#2 in January (miscarriage), I ate a good amount of chocolate. I also ate a bunch after AJU1 was born 14 months ago and had to spend a week in the NICU. It is just a great way to take care of the blues!
i really need chocolate when ive had a hard day at school, test weeks: chocolate, paper weeks: chocolate, etc. chocolate just means relaxation to me!
Chocolate is my favorite enemy!! I shouldnt eat it, but I do - ALL THE TIME!
I eat it when Im sad, stressed, depressed, happy...
The one time I relied on chocolate the most (besides the obvious time of the month) is when my son was born... he was 2 1/2 months early and we spent 2 months in the NICU. There were days I would sit there eating and didnt even realize how much I had. Maybe thats what kept the baby weight on for so long... ANYWYA... as bad as chocolate is for me, I cant seem to get away from it! Its always there for you when you needs some lifting up....
The Real question is, when DON'T I need chocolate!
I am not a huge chocolate lover...but I love these! I think I love chocolate most when I am driving on a long trip....It helps pass the time!
I need chocolate every day, being a sahm of 4 crazy kids, ages 10, 6, 3, 1. the two oldest are girls and the two youngest are boys, they keep me very busy., and with having one car, the hubby works 7 days a week, yep, i have to have chocolate EVERY day to keep from going INSANE, in a good way of course!! hehe
I need chocolate ALL the time!
Did you ask When do I need chocolate?? The question should read when DON'T I need chocolate!!LOL...Chocolate is a huge weakness for me and it is something I always savor. I truly believed God was on to something when he gave us chocolate!!
I can eat chocolate ANYTIME! I eat it when I am happy, sad, depressed, scared, angry, bored, tired....anytime!
I've NEEDED a little bit of chocolate every single day since we began our adoption process!!! We are thrilled and blessed and completely trusting in the Lord, but I do believe chocolate gives me that extra needed pick-me-up!
I need, crave, and want chocolate everywhere I go. Morning time? Chocolate Slimfast. Date with my hubby? Chocolate cake for dessert. Going to see a movie? Why, peanut M&Ms, of course. A lazy afternoon? A batch of fresh chocolate chip cookies. My son's evening nap? A frosty mug of chocolate milk. Curling up to read some blogs? Chocolate dipped pretzels! It is with me wherever I go, a constant companion, a daily friend.
I think that chocolate should be in a category all by itself in the food pyramid...come to think of it, I think that the food pyramid reminds me of a cute Hershey's Chocolate Kiss! Oh...this is M&M's! Oops!...Well let me just say, "that an M&M a day will help keep the Doctor away!" Hey, chocolate is chocolate God is no respecter of person's and chocolate! LOL!
Ok Kelly, my "Not Me Monday" tomorrow says it all! But for a quick preview, I absolutely did NOT have an incredible craving for chocolate one night while fire hubby was at the station (do not think PMS here") and did not eat all of the green M&M's I was going to give my him for Valentines day. (Green M&M's for Valentines day... Hmmm? ")I am just not that kind of wife ;)
There's something about women and chocolate. A natural affinity, a special connection. Don't fight it ladies. It's in your DNA!
I most crave chocolate after dinner.
I really need chocolate when I have had a bad day and nothing seems to be going right. My husand is in a bad mood and my son is throwing the temper tantrum of the century on top of it all I'm 5 months pregnant and all I want is to hide in the closet and eat chocolate!
I'm a missionary in Japan and am in language school trying to learn how to communicate in Japanese. I can't tell you how many times I've come home from class just craving some yummy chocolate! All of those M&M choices sound amazing!
Who doesn't crave chocolate 365 days, seriously. In one form or another I want chocolate...could be chocolate chip cookie, piece of chocolate candy, a chocolate drink. I have TRIED I tell ya to get off the band wagon of chocolate and I don't think there is any hope. One of my favorties...nope... take that back...two of my favorites are Sponge candy from back home and Garner's cashew melt aways. As Kelly would say..."Yumm-O."
When I'm sad or during pms.
Great givaway.
I just finished posting about my sweet mama. I thought I would just check on you and sweet little Harper. I'm glad everything is going so well. Get your rest and enjoy your precious gift.
I could use some chocolate right now :)
I think I crave chocolate ALL the time! In fact, I just plowed through the Valentine M&M's that my daughter was supposed to take to preschool. The one time in my life that I did NOT crave it was, ironically, when I was pregnant with my daughter (but with my son, loved it!)! For a FABULOUS chocolate dessert treat, go to southernliving.com and look at the recipe for Mocha Java Cakes....oh my!
I love to sit and eat Chocolate when My little girl and I watch movies togthers on the weekends. Sometimes I have to stop on the way to worka nd get me a cany bar ! Wish I didn't like it... my Doodlebug always syas Mom you must love Chocolate as much as you eat it !!
I'm a Sassy aka Grandmother so chocolate was
been in my diet for many years. Before we had
so many kinds and types of chocolate. I need to confess that M&M were my downfall. I also
hate to say that I have to sort them by color
before eating them. In my day red M&M were a
prize. Most of them were brown. They all tasted the same. WONDERFUL!
Chocolate makes my heart happy...even better with almonds! The perfect treat for a tired mommy! xoxoxo
You have no idea how bad I need chocolate!!! And M & M's are my very favorite. ALL FLAVORS!!
I need chocolate pretty much 24/7! But my favorite time to have it is at night when the kids are in bed. Then I can eat the good stuff! :-)
Plenty of times! Currently, I need chocolate a lot as I am pregnant and waiting for our house to sell and we are getting so anxious!
I need chocolate the most when I come home very stressed out from a bad day at work, I absolutely crave it. Jmmyndlnd@comcast.net
I love, love, love chocolate! Did I say LOVE!
Anyhow, three years ago, right when I found out I was pregnant, a study came out that said pregnant woman who ate a small amount of chocolate every day had babies that smiled more and tended to be happier in general. Like I needed an excuse. I had to eat it for my babies happines. And it eat I did. Now I do not know if it is a coincidence, but my three year old is the most happy go lucky little guy you would ever meet. By the way, he is a big fan of chocolate himself!
Well, I love chocolate ANY time! But I HAVE to have it around....well, you know......THAT time. :)
I need chocolate when I am feeling a bit stressed with my little autistic angels in the classroom! There is only so much hand flapping and "oooohhhhhing" that a teacher can take! (however, I must say that I so love that about them even if it shows that they are autistic!). The only thing is that I will then have to share that chocolate with the little angels because you just cannot eat chocolate in front of a group of 3-5 year olds without sharing! That would be plain mean....
I need chocolate after a busy day with kids in my home daycare, when I have had a rough day with hubby or a friend, when I have had a great day....is there a time when a person doesn't need chocolate???? Chocolate makes everything better!
I feel like a need chocolate (just a little bit) every day. I keep a jar of M & M's on my desk at work which is NOT a smart thing! Too tempting!!!
I need a little in the late afternoon when the day starts wearing me out! After dinner is always a perfect time for some, too.
anytime, all the time. . . M&M's are the first candy (and chocolate) i remember having. i was in the car with my grandma and i said "Granny! M&M's DO TOO melt in your hand!" i'm pretty sure she pulled the car right over.
I really need chocolate most of the time! Whether it be from homework, kids issues or husband woes! Seriously, sometimes chocolate just makes everything all better! ;)Love it!!!
I need chocolate when I start another infertility treatment. DH & I are on our 4th round, while I realize that's not a lot, we've been trying for 18months now. We know that God's plan is THE best, but we are trying to get pregnant before my mother passes away from cancer. She's fighting so she can see a grandchild and I just hope He will bless us with one soon.
Chocolate is soothing during these times!
I LOVE chocolate and definitely eat it when I'm happy, sad, stressed etc But I think the time I crave it most is at night, when my little boy is in bed and my hubby and I are hanging out.... and all I want to do is sit back, relax and have myself some delicious chocolate before bed :)
I need chocolate when I am about to start! Nice. I need chocolate when I am stressed!
I need chocolate when it is just sitting there!
I need chocolate all.the.time!
No that I'm pregnant the first one is moot, but this kids loves her some chocolate any time!!
Ok I can eat chocolate ANYTIME! However my favorite time is when my kiddos are in bed and I am watching my favorite reality shows. I can sit and enjoy my chocolate indulgence all my myself! Sound greedy.....I like my chocolate!
A better question would be when do I not want chocolate? :) Just kidding! It goes without saying that PMS brings out the chocolate hound in me!!
I need chocolate all the time but I crave it most in the mornings. I LOVE CHOCOLATE!!!
There's not a time when I don't need chocolate, but it's late in the afternoon at work and there's still a couple of hours until I can go home and letters to sign and emails to send and calls to return...that's the moment for chocolate.
I think chocolate is a necessity almost anytime! :-) Really, I do like chocolate a lot when I'm pregnant, which I've been A LOT in the past 5 years (Baby #4 is on the way!). I've actually read that babies whose mommies eat chocolate every day during the pregnancy are happier...Maybe 'cause the mommies are happier? :-)
How fun! M&M's are a great little snack. I think every Mom needs some chocolate! There are days when I just have to walk away from the craziness of being a SAHM and nothing says relief like a few yummy treats!
Well, how much time do you have?!?! I love chocolate when I'm sleepy, when I'm stressed, when I'm bored, when I'm pregnant, when I'm ya know...at that time of the month, when I'm upset about something, and the time I really want it the most is when I'm on a diet. Seriously....it's my one weakness.
I have twin boys. They are two years old. I really need chocolate when I am in the shower and I hear them flush the toilet. What are they flushing? Is it overflowing? Is it stopped up? Do I need to hurry out of the shower or can I rinse? I also needed chocolate to celebrate the first time I heard them say "I love you mommy".
I have chocolate when I need comfort, there is something relaxing about letting sweet chocolate slowly melt, as it melts it feels like a little bit of the stress melts away with it & with numerous health problems and a rare immune system disorder, there are times that I desperately need a "fix" :)
Chocolate reminds me of good times - So, I eat it when I am happy, or sometimes reach for it when things are not so happy!
I have loved chocolate ALL my life, and I found that I need it most when I am either really stressed or really happy. When I was in college, chocolate milkshakes, Hershey bars, & M&Ms were my energy & my rewards after tests or huge paper assignments. I've also found that I love to have chocolate on holidays (when I'm happy), such as Valentine's Day, Christmas, Easter and Halloween. I love decorating my candy bowl with the seasonal M&M colors!
As a mommy to a 15, 12, and 2 year old & a wife of a football coach and being a 5th grade math teacher (myself) in Texas - chocolate is a quick and inexpensive way to survive. It does the mind good!
Chocolate has been my saving grace in the past few weeks. It's helped ease my anxiety as we wait for our little miracle! Our first child passed away at 3 1/2 days old, and after suffering two miscarriages since his birth I'm excited that we are currently 4 weeks away from delivering our rainbow baby girl!
I *heart* chocolate!
All of the time :) It definitely boosts my spirits and keeps me going. Especially M&Ms. They are the perfect scrapbooking snack. And anytime snack! Anytime I need some comfort...definitely chocolate time!
Let's see...when do I have to have chocolate? Pretty much anytime would be the right answer! Chocolate is not just a dessert-I can have it for breakfast, as in chocolate cake w/a glass of milk-yummy!! As a matter of fact, I sat down today with a cup of frozen chocolate chips (yeah, the ones you bake with, that's right) as a snack. Our anniversary was this past Wed. and my dessert was Chocolate mousse--yummy in the tummy!! I could go on & on but I need to stop so I can have one more bit of chocolate before bedtime. :)
Whenever I eat popcorn! Also, during the day while homeschooling, tiny M&Ms bring me BIG comfort :).
I am a 3rd grade teacher! Do I need any other reason!
I have been PMSing for about 3 weeks now...seriously....finally went to the doctor & he found a HUGE cyst on my ovary that is apparently pouring estrogen into my body like nobody's business making me a HORMONAL mess!!!! I NEED CHOCOLATE!!!!!!!! even though I got a progesteron supplement...I still need chocolate!
I actually don't LOVE chocolate as much as sweet and sour...but the time I crave chocolate is the day or two before my period! I have to have a kit kat or something! YUM!!!
I am a full time mom of two beautiful girls- ages 4 and 5, full time wife, full time student and part time out of the house employee.... when don't I need chocolate? LOL
I'm 39 weeks and 3 days pregnant...so chocolate is a MUST!! In fact, earlier in the evening, my poor hubby had to go to three different place just to get me a chocolate shake! It's just my luck that the shake machines would be broken at so many places (maybe it was a sign that I didn't really need it!). Anyway, I got my chocolate shake...but I could definitely go for some yummo M&Ms!! hehe
I crave it every day...but I try to eat just a corner. :-)
In the past I wasn't much of a chocolate person~that is until I had my daughter! My sweet, adorable, 2 year old, Olivia is my whole world but with her around I NEED chocolate!!! She makes me laugh, cry, mad, you name it and chocolate can help even out all those emotions!! I even have it in my COFFEE~Starbucks White CHOCOLATE mocha!! How pathetic is that!?!?!
um, yeah, all.the.time! Tired? chocolate. stressed? chocolate. frustrated with the kids? chocolate. sad or missing family who live far away? chocolate. having said family from far away visit? bake something chocolate! sooo curious about the new fancy M&Ms! My favorite regular ones are plain, or the new peanutBUTTER ones.
I need chocolate because I am woman Its my DNA I can not help it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
On my frig is a magnet that reads, "Inside me is a skinny person screaming to get out. I keep her sedated with chocolate". Enough said.
Blessings - Lisa
I definitely need chocolate during grad. school--pretty much all the time, but especially near the end of the semester when I have 100 things to do. And now that I'm planning a wedding, I need it after (and during!) every single wedding-related phone call! Haha.
I could eat chocolate anytime, but definitely really crave it when I'm getting my period or when I am sad. My husband and I lost a baby to miscarriage in summer of 07 and have been waiting and praying since then for another blessing, so there are many sad times. I realize that it is CHRIST alone who can fulfill my longings and comfort my heart, but I am thankful that He allows us little blessings like chocolate to give a boost to our emotions or level our hormones:)
I ALWAYS need chocolate! What a fun prize pack!
oops...could you please remove my email from above...thanks
Is there a time I DON"T need chocolate?!? Nothing comes to mind. I need it/crave it/want it pretty much any time! Just looking at that gift basket makes me want to go rummage through my cabinets until I find some stashed away...b/c there is always some stashed away!
KELLY....your background is cupcakes!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Every year for Lent, I give up something that somehow ends up involving chocolate. Last year it was caffeine, no chocolate allowed. Snacking between meals, no chocolate allowed. Desserts in restaurants, no cholcolate allowed. This year I am just straight up giving up chocolate, so starting Feb 25 I will desperately be wanting chocolate. Come Easter, I will be NEEDING that chocolate!
Sara Allen
Hope this doesn't disqualify me, but here's my post without my email. The other can be deleted. Sorry.
I could eat chocolate anytime, but definitely really crave it when I'm getting my period or when I am sad. My husband and I lost a baby to miscarriage in summer of 07 and have been waiting and praying since then for another blessing, so there are many sad times. I realize that it is CHRIST alone who can fulfill my longings and comfort my heart, but I am thankful that He allows us little blessings like chocolate to give a boost to our emotions or level our hormones:)
I need chocolate all thje time! haha When I was nursing my fussy newborn a year ago, sometimes it seemed I couldn't find any time at all to eat, we kept candy around and I would run to the kitchen grab some and try to absorb any amount of calories I could to stay up beat! It's the best pick me up I know!
I craved it most here: http://andrewcameronperry.blogspot.com/2008/06/perry-family-newsupdate.html
Of course we want chocolates!! I'd love to win some of these babies. I could seriously eat chocolate every day, if I have it around.
I crave chocolate all the time!!! Seriously. I could eat it at every meal and snack!
I'm getting ready to begin an IVF cycle and I have committed to giving up caffeine but I did protest that I will NEVER give up chocolate!!! I need chocolate when I'm happy, sad, angry, elated and everything in between. Some people crave salty over sweet, but not me!
I have found someone who loves chocolate more than I do~my 2 1/2 year old son! He will randomly tell me throughout the day, "Mommy, I need some chocolate" with a cute little smile on his face. I usually give in since it's so cute (and that means I can eat some, too!)
I crave chocolate a lot, but especially during pregnancies; and, I'm there right now!
Kelly, I NEED chocolate. I really really do. I'm a sigle gal and with no honey, chocolate is my go to pal. :) Please send Chocolate.
I love chocolate!!! These M&M's look wonderful!! The man I know God said I am going to marry and I are on pause right now...so sad! His name is Mike and we used to be M&M!!
Anyway, yes, I could use some chocolate right now!!! Thanks Kelly.
Chocolate and I have had a relationship for quite sometime. We have been together during an engagement, marriage planning, the wedding, 3 pregnancies, and 3 years of dealing with newborns. We are close friends. We must be together and stay close. We will be meeting again later today, I hope. Hopefully no one found my friend and helped themselves. That happens sometimes...
Mrs. Nurse Boy
I always want chocolate when I'm reading a good book.
MOST want chocolate - hmmm ... how about Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, or Sunday ... and usually about sometime at or around Morning, Noon, and Night!!! And the premium M&MS - YUM!!!! My favorite is the Mint followed closely by the Triple Chocolate & Raspberry. Thanks for letting me play along!
I am pregnant and definitely craving chocolate. I limit myself to just once a day.
I as well as my little 3 year old miracle looove chocolate! :)
Chocolate is a good afternoon pick me up. I keep m&m's and such stashed in my desk and get them out when I'm needing a little something to help make it though the day....not that I don't like chocolate pretty much any time of the day : )
Anytime is chocolate time around here! Seriously though, those stressful days are when I need chocolate most of all. Thanks!
I usually buy chocolate the day after a holiday like Christmas, Easter, Valentine's Day (like, um, this week!), when it's SUPER cheap and I can stock my pantry until the next holiday! But FREE would just knock my socks off!
MMMMuuuummmmmm Chocolate, I think I need it most of the time... when I'm on my period, when I am about to ovulate, afterward, and now that I am pregnant again (stick baby) I could have it all the time (but I really don't want to gain 100 pounds, so I refrain). When does a woman NOT need chocolate? Oh, and when you add yummy flavors to it... Oh Yeah!!
Not only do I need chocolate but I need M&M's chocolate!!! I eat it when I am happy, sad, bored, hungry, etc. etc. etc....
I am a VERY active mother of 3 - 14, 11, & 9. Between work, baseball, basketball, football, dance, church, and school events - sometimes the only energy I have comes from chocolate. (OH! and we live with my mother-in-law & Father-in-law (who is an Alzheimer's patient) to help care for him.) Some days, I go to bed & realize that all I had for lunch was chocolate! But if it weren't for chocolate, I wouldn't make it through the afternoon! I would LOVE to meet the person(s) responsible for that wonderful invention!
I use chocolate as my comfort food. If I am stressed out or sad, I grab the chocolate. For some reason, it always make me feel better. :)
When we moved from the south to the "frozen tundra", I was so happy to learn that although accents and sweet tea were different.....chocolate was the same anywhere. M&Ms are not only my favorite, but a big hit with my kids too. It is a great way to teach addition and subtraction using those all so familiar M&Ms. Good thing, "Chocolate melts in your mouth and not in your hand".
I really need chocolate because... Preggo with baby # 5 ( boy # 3), 1st year homeschool momma, and totally NOT sleeping good ( 27 weeks!) so chocolate for my troubles u betcha-- O one day at a time and even though today has been a DAY- I truly am thankful for what I have and yummy mms would just add to it, right? lol thanks so much
These are fabulous and a whole basket of them would just be a little bit of Heaven! I need chocolate whenever it's available! That's sad. If it's available, it'll get eaten :)
When don't I need chocolate! I have this candy bowl we received as a wedding present. I love to get different colored M&Ms and put them in that bowl. The only problem is they don't stay there long!
I really need chocolate because my daughter doesn't sleep and I don't drink coffee anymore. Chocolate is my caffine!!
I need chocolate when I need some parent-time with my sweet hubby. We like to indulge together. Okay, okay, sometimes we let our daughter have some chocolate, too. LOL!
ok...First things first...so glad you and baby Harper are home...sent several prayers up! you are very blessed.
as for the chocolate...well...The X chromosome must mean CHOCOLATE!!
I'm a dietitian and hve to really WATCH the amount...keeping it in moderation, but there are certain days where I just need more chocolate. Those are the days that I just sweat a little more...anywho...great idea.
Have a blessed day,
I always need chocolate!!!! It satisfies my soul, it had me at "hello", it completes me, it's why I live, it's...it's....
Do you know that every time I watch Charlie and the Chocolate Factory go down the river of chocolate in the boat that I can LITERALLY start tasting chocolate and yearn for a glass of freezing cold chocolate milk!?! My taste buds start salivating, my eyes become blurry, I start to shake, my speech is slurred.....
I. Need. CHOC-O-LATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ya know, I'm kinda like you in the fact that I eat chocolate to help me ease through the pain. After losing our first baby in April '08 and then going through a molar pregnancy in July'08, I ate a TON of chocolate. Somehow, it just kinda "sugar coated" things so they didn't seem quite so bad! On a lighter note, I'm a teacher and let me just say that almost every teacher I know keeps some form of chocolate hidden in the very back of their bottom drawer to pull out in case of emergency! Times get tough in the classroom and a piece of chocolate sugar coats things, once again, and helps us make 'til that 3 o'clock bell rings!!!! Praise the Lord for some good chocolate!
Really wasn't that much of a chocolate person until I started my diet 4 weeks ago. Who would have figured that I would start craving the one thing I never craved. Everytime I see that little green M&M lady on the commercial, it's all I can do not to run out and buy some.
Chocolate is a great little pick-me-up any day! I have two boys with disabilities and work with other families who have kids with disabilities and I love to use chocolate (M&M's) in a fun ice breaker I do at trainings.
Chocolate, oh precious chocolate! I also battled with infertility and chocolate was my friend! I know have an adorable two month old son and chocolate is my friend for those late night feedings to give me a little kick:o) The best part ever is that my husband does not like chocolate so I never have to worry about him eating my chocolate!
Missy - mbedevia@yahoo.com
Okay, so the times I eat chocolate would be ALWAYS. Whenever I can find it. I haven't tracked to see when I crave it or really need it most because it seems like I need it ALL of the time. My biggest downfall is the Lindt chocolates. Oh my goodness!! Thanks for the chance to win my very best friend :)
I need it to deal with my high schoolers. I teach HS chemistry and also have 5 yr old twins (boys) who think the living room and their baby brothers head was PERFECT for the WWE that they practice for daily... Thanks for the chocolate to tune them out and read all my blogs......
I need chocolate most when I am sad or lonely.
Also, during pregnancy.
And when it's really cold outside!
And in the middle of the night.
My hubby is in the military. I need chocolate the most on the nights when he isn't in bed with me. A good cry and good chocolate somehow make me know that he is thinking of me, and missing me too. Chocolate is also great on that first day of the month, when I realize, no baby yet, but all in God's timing.
I love chocolate. I really have always loved it my entire life. M&M's are way to good. They have been life savers in trying to train my children to use the big girl potty and helped me through alot of stressful and fun times. I get M&M's every holiday because my girls love the different colors:)
I NEED chocolate when I'm sad, being a Navy Girlfriend and dealing with a deployment I have to turn to chocolate during those times. Also for all those girls out there when It's that time of the month and nothing is going right, I turn to chocolate. Another time I turn to chocolate is when I'm stressed out, I have my sister's wedding coming up, my graduation, school work, and working and sometimes I come home and just need a piece of chocolate!!!! :) I love my chocolate. lol.
I can remember eating M&M's when I was a little girl watching sesame street. I love chocolate and I seemed to have over indulged with my last pregnancy. Now after I seem to crave chocolate at the end of a busy moment. Being a mom of 4, going to school full-time can lead you to the store and grab chocolate so fast that you can't even wait to return to your car, you just open it as soon as you pick it up. M&M's are my ULTIMATE favorite and I can't wait to try these. **HOPEFULLY**
Thanks Kelly,
Stephanie in Mo.
Even though I have been on a diet and have lost 10 pounds, I would be willing to eat the chocolate if I won. I might even share some with others. Well, maybe I would share. My 4 year old granddaughter always goes to the pantry looking for M&M's. Francis C. Moore in Indy
Oh my! Chocolate is my weakness!! I think I could survive off of chocolate ONLY! I have never tasted of these that you are giving away, shocking yes. But they look yummy! Even if I don't win...you have now caused me to have a craving and I will have to go get some to try...unless I win them ;-) Have a great day!
I have needed chocolate in the past when I lost my two angel babies, going through infertility; and the ups and downs of the adoption process. Now I NEED chocolate to help me get through the day with to wild things! I have two beautiful children (through adoption) who are 23 months apart; and that I love beyond words. I am so blessed with these to angels on earth as well as my two angels in heaven looking down on us. When I get my mommy time is when I get my Chocolate- and OOOHHHH how it taste SOOOO YUMMY:) I also enjoy sharing chocolate with my daughter- a mother daughter bonding time! Thanks for this wonderful idea.
I really never liked chocolate until my son decided to go into the Navy! There is nothing more comforting than chocolate to take your mind off of where he is and what he is doing. We are pretty close and when we don't talk for awhile it really makes me sad! I must say though that I don't like chocolate near as much as my honey does! I think his family could be millionaires by now if they owned stock in Russell Stovers! Or if they just saved the money they spend on Chocolate!!
I work at a homeless shelter for women and children, and chocolate is my best friend when I am stressed from a hard day. I look in the fridge after a meal and things are thrown in and not covered and marked like they should be. So instead of going crazy, (or crazier than I already am :)) I go to my special choclate stach. Then oh, so much better!!!
GIVE ME CHOCOLATE AND NOBODY GETS HURT! They say diamonds are a girls best friend, but really it's chocolate (because it's practical and affordable). I need chocolate 24/7. When it's the middle of the night and I've been up for over an hour rocking J, a chocolate fix always helps. When it's 5:30am and the kiddos decide it's time to wake up, a little chocolate anyone? When it's nap time and I finally have some peace, chocolate is my silent friend. Chocolate is my practical, affordable, silent, 24/7 friend!
After a stressful day at work, I so need a bite of chocolate. Thankfully this is not every, that would be way to much chocolate.
hm, I just posted but can't find it... anyway... I love chocolate because it's great when you are HAPPY and when you are sad. I LOVE getting together with my girlfriends and when we do there is always chocolate involved. I have had some very sad days lately and there has been lots of chocolate comsumption too. It's good for all occasions.
When my husband deploys, usually the first week is a chocolate overload, as that is really the only thing that consoles a breaking heart!
I'm an elementary teacher...enough said! We are getting ready for our kids to take the state mandated tests and that is a great reason for needing some chocolate relief!
I teach 2nd grade and I NEED chocolate after a long day.....nothing says "I can come back tomorrow and face another day" like chocolate.
I need chocolate all the time! I love, love, love it! I am such an emotional eater :/ So when I have had a great day I want some chocolate...when I have had a horrible day
I want some chocolate. Really, anytime is great for me!
I love chocolate ALL the time. But my favorite is when I put my daughter to bed and I get some me time. Then I can sit and enjoy my chocolate and think about how wonderful my life is!
I eat chocolate when I'm reading...and when I remember that I'm single with no proposals coming in the forseeable future. So, always.
I really need chocolate b/c ... well, who doesn't! As I balance my breakfast plate on my 8 month prego tummy, I am already thinking about the one last chocolate heart left on the counter ... after it's gone (probably in 10 minutes) what will I do?!?!
I ALWAYS need chocolate!! I am a stay at home mom of four wonderful children. They are 8,6,5,and 3. They keep me very busy and chocolate is a way for me to unwind and take a little "me" break. I hope I win...I love M&M's!
Christy Reynolds
I like dark chocolate. And I will eat it pretty much any time I can get my hands on it! The great thing about dark chocolate is that because it's so rich, you can only eat a little bit at a time. It's like a natural stop mechanism!
I really need chocolate when my three kiddos have gotten a hold a little too much chocolate..he he! They can really give me a run for my money but I love them and wouldn't have it any other way but chocolate sure does help me at the end of a long day! :)
why do I need chocolate? I need chocolate because five weeks ago I gave birth to boy/girl twins. We spent a little while in the NICU and now we are home still trying to adjust to the double feedings and the double blessings of twins! I need chocolate to help me stay awake and give me a boost!!(-: When I was pregnant with the twins I had gestational diabetes so chocolate was not in my diet, so now I can not get enough of it!! M&M's will be perfect!
My favorite time to eat chocolate is with my 3-year-old daughter. It is her favorite food and she absolutely craves it (I am convinced this is a genetic thing that only strikes women). She is my miracle baby, too - we tried for 3 years and suffered 3 miscarriages before she joined our family. So, when girlfriend wants chocolate, I am happy to oblige her. I have 3 older sons who never really cared much about chocolate. My little sidekick lives for it!
I crave chocolate when I am stressed...it could be a crazy day at the office or when we are worried about my husband's health or job status...this past week I have completely fallen off of my healthy eating because it was so stressful for us...I love M & M's...I am embarassed to admit that we went through 2 bags this week at my house!
Ok...let's see...I crave chocolate when I am hungry and when I am full...I crave chocolate when I am sick and when I am well...I crave chocolate when I am happy and when I am sad...I crave chocolate when I am pregnant and when I am not...does that cover everytime? :)
Jenifer Parris
There is NEVER a time I don't need chocolate! As I've always said, I could bathe in chocolate I love it so much. It's pretty fitting too that my initials & nickname is M&M.
I am pregnant now and need chocolate EVERY day. I try to be good though and just treat myself to one piece each day.
Sitting down with a cold, very cold, glass of Coke in my left hand and chocolate in my right...ahhhhh!!!
Chocolate soothes my soul any time, anywhere, anyday - An excuse is never needed, my momma always says!
The time I most need chocolate is NOW! My husband left on Friday to begin a 15 month deployment (he is in the army). I have 3 little boys who are quite energetic--I need the comfort and the energy boost that chocolate gives!!!
I need chocolate when I am feeling down. Nothing like doing some internet shopping and eating so good chocolate. Both of which, get me in trouble :-)
I need chocolate when the kids get a little out of control. When they stress me out I just eat a little and feel better.
I need chocolate daily. At least once a day. Ha! Isn't that horrible?!
Let's just say that I have a vitamin chew that is chocolate flavored so that I can still get my "chocolate fix" while trying to be good! Is there ever a bad time for chocolate?
When I have rough day at work (running around without a minute to sit down) I love to come home, nosh on some chocolate and check all the blogs I follow!
I agree chocolate is like a staple food!!! I especially love sitting around the camp fire on a warm summer evening partaking of a smore smothered in Hershey's milk chocolate. All this chocolate talk is making me hungry.
I have a 6 year old boy and an almost 3 year old boy. I am 20 weeks pregnant with, you guessed it...a boy! I long for chocolate when I am so tired,there is no nap in sight and I am driving to pick up my kindergartenr from school. The chocolate gives me the pep I need to get through a busy but fun evening with my boys.
When do I NOT need chocolate!?!?!? I need it most those one or two days before a certain time of the month =) And we made this precious little boxes full of a mixture of all of the flavors of premium M&M's for a favor at our Rehearsal Dinner! Everyone LOVED them!! I think my favorite has to be the Chocolate Raspberry! YUMMY!!!
I really needed chocolate the other night when my 17 month old puked on me 4 times in one evening. Luckily, my husband got me come for Valentine's Day and let me eat it a few nights early!!
I work as a nurse every weekend and a mom to a 9 year old the rest of the time. I am never at a loss for the need for chocolate. Thanks for the heads up on the new products! I am so glad to see Harper is doing well and I love your blog!! Hmmmm, I think I will have some chocolate now that we are talking about it! Really, anytime is a perfect time for chocolate!!
I am a wedding coordinator and hundreds of brides and grooms have chocolate to thank for their amazing wedding day! :)
I couldn't manage the long days without it. I don't get an opportunity to eat until the dinner and my chocolate is what gets me there. It also does wonders for my mood. With all the stress and emotions that surround me the day of a wedding, when it is getting a bit too much....I slip around the corner, pop a little chocolate in my mouth....and I am good to go for another few hours!
Chocolate instantly lifts my spirits at any time! However, there are 2 situations when I NEED it:
1) When I spend a long day in town shopping. We live an hour out in the mountains, so shopping days are intense! I crave chocolate badly by mid-afternoon, and usually end up buying a bag of chocolate and eating the whole thing! How have I not gained more weight?
2)Being mommy to a 14 month old baby girl and 41 (!!!) weeks pregnant with baby #2, lately I've been waking up and HAVING to have chocolate for a midnight snack! Unhealthy, I know, but I sleep SO good after a little sweet chocolate-y treat!
I need choc on a DAILY basis! I teach 21 four year olds all day! We have a class rule that if anyone is having a bad day they are allowed a chocolate pick me up!
I need it for days like today when my 3 precious but sassy girly girls are all home with me!! I need the sugary boost!! ;)
Obviously...anytime! I had two cupcakes this morning with chocolate icing and a chocolate covered strawberry!! Oh, the joy of Valentine's Day Leftovers!! Ha!
Where do I start? My first daughter is 2 1/2 years old, and while she was "baking" she was created on m&ms. I was teaching the 4th grade while pregnant, and the teacher next door brought me a life line of them daily!
When I was pregnant with my Anna, 6 months old now, I tried to be good, but m&ms were also a big part of the growing process.
Now that I am settling in and enjoying having 2 little girls under 3 years old, m&ms are still calling my name. Now we are potty training and I thought about doing an m&m jar instead of a skittle jar, but alas, I know that I would too want to potty train and reward myself every time I went pee-pee as well. So for now, I will keep it a skittle jar.
So yes, I need these m&ms. We have a special bond. They are responsible for 2 very "sweet" little girls.
Chocolate is such a dear friend! It would be easier to answer "When do I not need chocolate?" --- even that tends to become cloudy because I might respond with "When I am sleeping" however, if it comes in a patch I could get my fix transdermally.
How could you go wrong with the M&M name? Can you say YUM?
I love chocoalte pretty much all the time but I have to have it when my hubby & I go to the movies. Who does not need a little snack?! I have passed this trait on to all 3 of my children. :)
I NEED chocolate after dealing with 3 children under 5 years old screaming and bugging eachother all day! Chocolate always makes me feel better :)
I have to keep it handy ALL THE TIME! That's why I started an "M&M Ministry" on my desk at work (for myself and my co-workers). The candy jar in my office stays stocked with M&M's- usually a bag of the seasonal colors! Everyone needs to hurry up and help me eat the red & pink ones still there from Valentine's day so I can refill with a bag of green ones for March!
I never used to care for chocolate until after i became a mom. Now i crave it all the time. I get so excited when i know holidays are coming up because that means that the day after all the stores with leftover holiday chocolates mark all the candy by half at least and thats when i usually go crazy and clear the shelves. I eat more when i am stressed and well when you are the only girl living in a house with 5 boys (1 being the hubby and the other 4 are my 2 sets of twin boys)you get stressed often.
So i usually have my holiday stash around at all times so i can get my quick fix. I would love to add the new M&M's to my collection.
I work nights in a pediatric ICU. Chocolate is our refuge. There are many nights that the only reason that we make it through the night is b/c we have had plenty of chocolate to eat and lots of coffee to drink. I'm so glad that your precious baby is doing so much better. Being a nurse it's so hard to see parents go through what you went through, but so encouraging to know that they have the Lord to lean on for support and strength. Thank you for sharing your struggles so openly and allowing the Lord to work through you and your family during this time.
I need chocolate at least once a day. It's to keep my blood sugar up, don'tcha know.
For real though, I need chocolate because we live on a country hill in the middle of winter with one car and I am alone without transportation with three small children almost every day, while my husband works 10 hour days. Now if that isn't something that requires an abundance of chocolate, I don't know what is.
Oh please have pity on me! Hubby barely got me any chocolate for V day because I'm trying to lose weight... but it's almost my time of the month and I NEED CHOCOLATE NOW!
I love your blogs Kelly! And I love seeing pictures of sweet Harper!
Holly (screen name Kewiki)
Confessions! I gotta have chocolate for breakfast AND I have to sneak it so the kids don't see. Don't judge me!
Ok, Kelly I'm a chocolate lover, always have been and always will be, got it honestly. My mom taught me how to hide chocolate from others, and her mother taught her. This way one always has a bite or two stashed away. I could eat chocolate all the time. BUT, now that I'm pregnant~with TWINS, I really crave it 24/7. Guess I should limit my pregnant self, though! Or maybe not.
I keep several different types of chocolate on my desk for my co-workers to come in...we all agree that M&Ms help make the workday so much easier! Seriously, we have bonded as a strong team over M&Ms...and we are all the happier for it! :)
I really need chocolate when it nears that fun time of the month! It always seems to help me relax and not get so stressed! :-)
I need chocolate after I am really stressed, or after a bad day, or after eating something salty or spicy. So I pretty much need chocolate all the time.
When haven't I needed chocolate in my life?!?! In college, my mom would send me a love box full of junk food and chocolate! For our wedding, our favor was See's Candy Bordeauxs...so yummy! When our daughter was born, we had chocolate pacifiers. Seriously chocolate is a staple around here!!
There's something about consuming chocolate that gets you through the rough times so you can enjoy the good times again!
I need chocolate after the end of the day when the kids are in bed and my husband and I settle in on the couch to watch a movie.
I really need chocolate about every day around 3:00 in the afternoon. It is the time I hit my wall and chocolate always seems to pick me up! I love chocolate--yum yum!
Who doesn't LOVE M&M's?! That was my favorite candy growing up and now it is my 4 year old little boys favorite! It continues to travel from generation to generation! They are like mini vitamins for me! I need them to keep up with him... LOL! Can't wait to try the new flavors!!
I want chocolate ALL the time, but I really crave it around that time of month!
I have to say, when I most WANT chocolate is when I try to stay away from it. Last week, my husband and I decided to cut out sugar strictly for 2 weeks, and cut back on it significantly for at least the next 4 weeks in preparation for our vacation. NEVER have I wanted chocolate so badly. LOL!
I need Chocolate when nothing else seams to work! I love to read my Bible and eat M&M's ! My Life ....God, Family, Friends and Chocolate!
Thank You for your time! God Bless You!
I want chocolate all of the time! I'd rather have it over actual food sometimes! The times when I eat the most chocolate is when I'm stressed/sad. My son has Epilepsy, and it never fails, on a day when he's having a rough go round with his seizures, I always go to my chocolate stash or my husband brings me home some on his way home from work! And believe it or not, it's always M&M's!
I need chocolate when I am stessed out-which has become pretty common lately. :)
When I was pregnant with my daughter, nothing would do except for peanut M&Ms. I could eat them everyday but I would limit myself to two small bags a week.
These days I like the regular M&Ms the best. I mostly crave chocolate after lunch and especially during that time of the month.
I probably can't enter because I myself gave away one of these this past week (hee hee) but I wanted to add that I love chocolate on days that I'm stressed out. When the kids argueing and homework goes on and on, the hubby's at work and staying late, the daycare kids were in a tizzy, I didn't get any good mail, dinner was a flop, got three hang up calls, got no chores done, and am sore from working out. Then, chocolate cures all. Ahh. amiedanny@msn.com
I need chocolate the most at about 3pm at work when it seems like that is one of the only things that can pick me up and carry me until 5pm!! Thankfully we have an Honor box at work which usually contains Peanut M & M's or a Snickers bar!
I love the raspberry filled chocolate bars too, I think it's Lindt. That's for really special times of stress!!
Hi sweet Kelly! My story is SO MUCH like yours! I struggled with infertility for 2 years (very sad time- I agree, chocolate helped-- that and A LOT of prayer!) then got pregnant with TWIN girls with IVF (again prayer and chocolate-- for celebration this time). Reese and Riley arrived two months early (yikes- another need for chocolate and prayer) and stayed in the NICU- one for 38 days, one for 55 days (MUCH prayer and chocolate needed). Now they are 5 months old and are my miracle babies- healthy as can be! But when they're both screaming because they're hungry... it's a bit chaotic around our house and I NEED chocolate!!!! :)
I crave chocolate after a long hard day and late at night. Let's be honest, chocolate is good every day no matter what time. :-)
Chocolate is a staple in my house. I have a hidden secret stash that contains chocolate ALL THE TIME! If it gets empty I will think of other things I need from the store just so I can go replenish my chocolate stash!
Right now in my stash is a box of Russel Stover's choclate that I got on sale yesterday. What girl can pass up a heart-shaped box of chocolate for 50% off?????
I crave chocolate pretty much all the time. When I go to a client's birth, I must have something chocolate in my birth bag. :)
I need chocolate after a long day with the kiddos. I prefer chocolate truffles, in a bubble bath while doing a Beth
Moore bible study...heaven!
1. I'm so thrilled to see that Harper is home! When did I miss that update??
2. I crave chocolate around 2:00 every afternoon. :)
I need chocolate when my two babies are sleeping. I don't dare get it out while their awake....I don't want to share.
I craze chocolate like crazy when I am stressed. It is my comfort food!
Um, well I don't have to have a reason to need chocolate. My love affair for chocolate didn't start until I was pregnant with my second child. Before then I could take it or leave it (gasp!), but now I NEED chocolate daily! lol If there is no chocolate in the house, I'll grab a few chocolate chips to suffice. Chocolate is a food group, right?
M & Ms are my favorite, they are great too beacuse you can eat just one or many. I use them for my daughter who is 2 and learning how to potty train, its the perfect treat for a successful potty.
Loving this contest! I am a mom to 3 teenage girls and one 20 month old baby boy. The question isn't when do I crave chocolate but when don't I crave it.
I am pregnant and have a chocolate eating problem. I've managed to cut out all drinks with caffeine...but I cannot live without CHOCOLATE. I tried. I almost died. I NEED chocolate for survival!
Uh...anytime, anywhere, with anyone. During that time of the month, after that time of the month, before that time of the month, when I'm sad, happy, angry, tired, full, hungry, sick, pregnant, not pregnant, broke, not broke, fat, thin....basically, I love chocolate. A lot. A little too much. I need it. It devouers me. I devour it! I'm stopping now. You get the point. :o)
Dear Kelly,
I am addicted chocolate. I love it. It is my go to food. I don't crave chips, dip, or any other goodies but chocolate.
I am always dieting therefore my craving is almost always for chocolate. In fact, I run so I can eat it!
During Halloween this year I challenged myself to NO chocolate. Wow, was that hard. I did it and felt very empowered by it.
Right now I'm training for my first Marathon! It would be an awesome treat to have a basket of goodies waiting on me as a reward!
I run for Chocolate!
My sweet daughter broke her arm in a bad "jumping out of a swing" accident back in August. She is just like her momma and loves her some good chocolate! After 6 1/2 hours in the ER we went to the local Pharmacy to get her pain med filled and stumbled onto the mint Premium M&M's. Needless to say she and I BOTH really needed them at that time! We shared a box with my parents and hubby on the trip home from the hospital. Bad day, but the M&M's really helped! Chocolate combined with a giant diet coke, can always make my day brighter!;)
Chocolate? Whenever my 4 kids and I sit down to enjoy a family show on TV! Chocolate is great and a special snack in our house! Send chocolate to Evans' house!
It is my humble opinion that people who do not enjoy chocolate must secretly be from another planet... WHO DOESN'T LOVE CHOCOLATE?!? And M&M's are the peak of chocolate perfection!
I have a 1 year old and 3 year old and just got put on bedrest for this pregnancy until May. Need I say more? ;)
I just had a beautiful healthy baby girl after a long difficult stint with infertility and a complicated pregnancy. The beautiful baby arrived on Valentine's day (YAY!). And now I am OFF the gestational diabetes diet. Bring on the CHOCOLATE! Yummmmm!
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