There is an amazing family that lives in Oklahoma and has 13 children. One was 3 years old and died of cancer 3 years ago. They also have these twin sons who have a CD out that is SO great! It's instrumental music and it's all hymns. Which I love a lot of music but I'm a sucker for Hymns. There is nothing like the old hymns in the hymn book. These two guys are SO talented and their CD would make an amazing soundtrack or gift!
Check them out at :
And I'm giving away TWO copies! Just leave me a comment telling me your favorite hymn or if you don't have one - just let me know you'd like this CD! You will be blessed by it!!! I'll give it away on Wednesday night of next week!
Friday, June 4, 2010
For His Glory
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9:45 PM
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Favorite Hymn.....Well, I have a few. I love "How Great Thou Art", "Amazing Grace", and many others. I'd love a copy of this CD!
Mine would definitely have to be "Be Thou My Vision."
"For the Beauty of the Earth" is by far my favorite. I'm with you, I enjoy lots of amazing Christian music but they hymns get me every time.
I'm a hymn lover too. I love so many but my favourite to worship too would be "When I Survey the Wondrous Cross"
Rock of Ages is my favorite! Brittney
I love so many old hymns, but my favorite is "Great is Thy Faithfulness".
Too many to choose from, but here goes: "The Old Rugged Cross," "Just As I Am," "What a Friend We Have in Jesus," "There is a Fountain," and "Be Thou My Vision," to begin with...ha!
~Lyndsey Hulen
Amazing Grace. But anytime we had "pick your favorite hymn to sing" night at church I would always raise my hand and say "Onward Christian Soldiers". Loved it.
I have a number of favorites, but one of my top favorites is "Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing."
Jen L.
Our God is an Awesome God, is one of my faves. Not sure if that is the correct title, but hopefully people recognize the words.
I am a mother who lost a child to cancer 3 1/2 years ago...I love all of the songs...they are all wonderful. I love classic hymns
I would love to win!!! We {heart} old hymns at our house! My favorite is Blessed Assurance, but I really have tons of favorites :)
All of the above are awesome hymns. My favorite is Amazing Grace... with It Is Well With My Soul following close. No need to put me in the list for the giveaway, just wanted to share.
I have many hymns that I love, one of them being In the Garden. I recently have fallen in love with another because it's one of my daughter's favorite that she sings all the time..and she's only 3 1/2. It's Have a Little Talk with Jesus.
oh i love "how great thou art" and "it is well with my soul." and i love learning the stories behind the songs & why they were written!
i love favorite is "the old rugged cross".
"Amazing Grace" has been and I'm sure will always be my favorite! I sing it to my daughter every night when she goes to sleep :) And to hear it played on bagpipes really gets me!
"In The Garden" will always be my favorite hymn...I was baptized at 26 years old, big and pregnant the day after my wedding to my hubby! we will be celebrating 12 years in July.... is so hard to pick just one. I love Amazing Grace. I also love Victory in Jesus. My church is Victory Baptist we sing Victory in Jesus a lot. I also like Have Thine On Way, Lord. The old hymns are the songs I grew up on. I played the piano in our church back when I was a teen and played many of these. Now I've about lost the touch. I got to thinking about old hymns...we sing a lot of contemporary music now I looked up Baptist Hymns. I found this link. It is can click on the song to hear it.
"It is Well" It's been a good reminder in tough times.
How can you pick just one....I love Come thou fount and Blessed Assurance.
I just love so many hymns! I went to their website for a preview listening sample and the songs sound beautiful! I'd love to win this...thanks!
I have a few that have special meaning. My Grandpa would always sing " That Old Rugged Cross". In church as a little girl, I loved "Onward Christian Soldier" & "Amazing Grace". I still sing the words in my head when I am have a stressful day.
Tami @
My favorite hymn is Amazing Grace. I love to sing it to my five year old. It just brings tears to my eyes everytime over and over. It just reminds me of his grace and mercy for us!
My favorite would have to be Amazing Grace, but I also love How Great Thou Art! I would love to have a copy of their CD. Thanks Kelly!!!
My favorite hymn is How Great Thou Art and Come Thou Fount of Every Blessings
My favorite hymn is Amazing Grace--- Beautiful! I would love to have a copy of this wonderful music.
I have 2 favorites. Leaning On the Everlasting Arms and Amazing Grace. I hope I get this as I always listen to my cd's when driving. I would love to win!
"It is well with My Soul" has to be my favorite.
I love instrumental music and hymns.
Oh, how I love hymns. They are weaved into the patchwork soundtrack of my life... I love "Great Is Thy Faithfulness", "How Great Thou Art", "When I Survey The Wondrous Cross", "Guide Me O Thou Great Redeemer", and "Make Me A Channel Of Your Peace" (well, those are the ones which spring immediately to mind, early on this Saturday morning!).
Definitely "How Great Thou Art". So beautiful, so moving. I have very fond memories of my great-grandma singing this hymn around her house. She was such a godly woman. Her love of this hymn drove me to learn to play it on the piano. Now whenever I want to remember my grandma, I go to the piano.
I know, I know. That was more than you needed but I would love to win this CD.
Have a great weekend Kelly!
I was reading the Morris' blog right before I clicked on yours. Must be God's timing....
Favorite hymn would have to be Amazing Grace
AMAZING GRACE- what talented young men
I'm not sure I can pick just one favorite hymn...Victory in Jesus, The Old Rugged Cross, Standing on the Promises, How Great Thou Art...those are a few of my many favorites : )
My favorite hymn is "Nearer, Still Nearer"...but my favorite "folksy" song is "I'll Fly Away", which is on this album!!! :)
Amazing Grace has always been my favorite. I sang it to my daughter when I rocked her, and she knew all of the words at 2 years old. I also love Blessed Assurance.
Not sure if I can pick just one favorite, but I love The Old Rugged Cross and Amazing Grace.
So hard to decide! I love It Is Well, Holy, Holy, Holy, Great is Thy Faithfulness, Come Thou Fount. . .
I would love a copy of the hymm CD to listen to in the car on my way to work, Amazing Grace is my all time favorite, but I love many others.
"How Great Thou Art" is an all-time favorite. I can still hear me Dad singing it...such a sweet sound!
i would give it to my mother in law if i win! love come thou fount...
My favorite hymn is "And Can It Be."
My favorite is Blessed Assurance.
"At Calvary" and "Old Rugged Cross" are my favorite.
My favorite hymn is definitely In the Garden. I would love to win this CD.
Oh, I don't know that I can name one favorite. I love It Is Well, Amazing Grace, and Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus! I get chills every single time with the words, "turn your eyes upon Jesus, look full in His wonderful face, and the things on earth will grow strangely dim, in the light of His beauty and grace." See? Got chills typing it! CD Sounds awesome!
My fav. hymn is Amazing Love!
There is something so comforting in classic hymns. My paternal grandmother's favorite was the Old Rugged Cross and I have so many memories of her humming and singing it as she taught me to cook and sew. My Maternal Grandmother was a music teacher and the church organist. How great thou Art is the one that I most vividly recall when I think of her. These dear women both passed away this past year.
I used to love Onward Christian Soldiers, because I thought it was about moving forward for evangelism and missions - and then I realized it was about the crusades. So now I'm looking for a new one (or can I just change the meaning of the old one?).
That is a great CD and I love old hymns! I would really enjoy listening to the entire CD. Thanks for sharing this with us.
Lily of the Valley would be the # 1 hymn for me....
I love "Near the Cross"
I love that reading over the comments I can hear the words to all these hymns in my head. It reminds me of my Wonderful Saviour and going to church with my Great Grandparents when I was a kid. My favorite hymns (those I hum when stressed or nervous) are "What a Friend We Have in Jesus", "Softly and Tenderly", and "Precious Memories".
I love hymns too! 'Come Thou Fount' is probably my most favorite ever!
I love Amazing Grace, In the Garden and I'll Fly Away!
epfaulkner at gmail dot com
My favorite hymn is "It is Well". Not only is the story behind it so compelling but just knowing that no matter what we go through in life, "It is Well" with our souls because of Christ and his sacrifice on the cross.
bamagv at aol dot com
My most favorite hymm is My Tribute!
My favorite hymn from my childhood is "Love Lifted Me".
I also love "Amazing Grace" and "How Great Thou Art" and "Silent Night" is high on the list, too.
I would love to win a copy of this CD!!!!
How Great Thou Art, Amazing Grace, Come Thou Fount, It is Well, Old Rugged Cross - all wonderful hymns! This CD sounds great!
One of my favorites is definitely "Amazing Grace" but really, I love old hymns and it's impossible to just pick my favorite!
I would love a copy!
How Great Thou Art has always been my favorite. It always brings tears to my eyes when I hear it. Old Rugged Cross is another great one!
II love great is thy faithfulness. The night before my grandma passed away I laid in bed and sang hymns yo her. I think hymns are so powerful!
My favorite hymn is "How Great Thou Art." I LOVE that song! I have for many years. But, a little over 5 1/2 years ago, two days before my daddy past from this earth to Heaven, I sang this to him. He was no longer restless when he heard hymns. So, this hymn has even a more special meaning to me. Anyway... I don't know why I shared that. But, I love that song :-)
I love hymns.. I'm not sure that I have a favorite, but the singing is my favorite part of church!
My favorite hymn is "Because He Lives". Always reminds me of my great grandfather.
My favorites are "How Great Thou Art"and "Amazing Grace". I would love to lisren to this CD.
Soooo love hymns!! Two all-time favorites are "Blessed Assurance" and "It Is Well With My Soul"......would love to win this CD. Thanks for the opportunity.
A few of my favorites are Amazing Grace and Let Us Have A Little Talk With Jesus.
Definitely "Come Thou Fount!"
My favorite is Holy, Holy, Holy. As I've read through the comments to get to the comment form though I've agreed with just about every other favorite as well saying oh yea that's a great one. So many good hymns!
How Great Thou Art and Great is Thy Faithfulness. And Amazing Grace, obviously. I love old hymns. They're my absolute favorite in any format.
God is an Awesome God.
I have so many, but for some reason a few that have special meaning come to mind......In the Garden, I Saw the Light, Where Would I Go But to the Lord, and Beulah Land. These are because they were family favorites.
Take my Hand, Precious Lord. I love it so much.
"Through the storm, through the night
Lead me on to the light..."
P.S. Kelly, if this shows up twice it's because I'm having internet issues!
My favorite is "It Is Well". Makes me cry every time! xoxo
SO many Great hymns but "Amazing Grace" is today's choice:)
right now "There is a Fountain".... redeeming Love has been my theme and shall be till I die!
I love all of the old hyms and miss singing them in church. Some of my favorites are: His Eys is on the Sparrow, The Old Rugged Cross, It is Well with My Soul, and How Great Thou Art. There are just so many more that I love.
I love many hymns. One of my favorites would have to be "Oh For A Thousand Tongues."
I have so many favorite hymns but my top fav would have to be "How Great Thou Art"
I have always loved "By the Sea of Crystal". what a wonderful picture of heaven!
Oh! I'd love to enter to win their CD!! I've been reading the Morris' blog for a while now... I love it! In fact my brother is going to be working up there all summer!
I also play the violin and would really love to listen to their CD!
Sarah G.
Oh Gosh...Im a sucker for hymns. I have about 20 cds of hymns done by different artists. I would say my favorite two are "it is well" and "be thou my vision". My two favorite hymn cd's are Selah and Avalon. both phenomenal.
I would love to have this CD. It would be great for going to sleep at night. Comforting. I guess my favorite hymn would be "Amazing Grace" . From other comments this seems to be universally loved.
This CD looks great! I love hymns so it is hard to pick but "Come thou Fount" comes to mind right now. :) Thanks Kelly!
There's so many hymns I love, depends on the day and where my mind is but some favs are "How Great Thou Art", "Amazing Grace", "Be Still My Soul" and "Because I Have Been Given Much". My grandfather was a member of the first gospel quartet that ever aired on the radio here in AR so hyms have always had a special place in my heart. His favorite was "The Lily of the Valley".
"Great is Thy Faithfulness" is my favorite hymn and I would love to win this CD.
Blessed Assurance is one of my favorites! This sounds like a great CD. :)
I love soo many hymns and the great truths that they remind me of, but Amazing Grace is definitely up there on my list! ;) This CD sounds awesome!!
I'd love this for my mom. Great giveaway!
Love Hymns when I was a child Old Rugged Cross was my favorite but now I really love How Marvelous How wonderful is my saviors love for me.
Amazing grace is my all time favorite!!
Hard to pick just one, but...Holy, Holy, Holy is my favorite Hymn. :)
We are blessed to go to a church that still sings the traditional hymns every Sunday. I love that my 3 girls are learning them, too. One of my favorites is "Victory in Jesus."
My favorite Hymn is "There is A fountain Filled With Blood" or "The Old Rugged Cross". I love them all, but I find myself going back to those frequently. Thank you for giving these CD's away-- I'd love to hear them.
I accidentally left my favorite hymn on your other blog - my appologies. Sharon
I love old hymns so much. My favorite would have to be "When I Survey the Wondrous Cross."
Amazing Grace and O How I love Jesus.
One of my favorites is "Redeemed, how I love to proclaim it". I have such fun teaching my 7 children all the old hymns.
So many Hymns I love! Amazing Grace, Great is Thy Faithfulness, and How Great Thou Art, just to name a few.
I would love one of these CD's!
My favorite Hymn is The Old Rugged Cross. I remember growing up listening to my Ma play it on the piano. It was played at her funeral and my Papa's funeral. Although it brings tears to my eyes everytime I hear it, I still love the song!
My favorite hymn is Be Thou My Vision... Would love to win one of the CD's.
Blessings, Kari
"It is well with my soul"
Amazing Grace. Love it!
Definitely "Old Rugged Cross"
My 2 all-time favorites are "How Great Thou Art" because it was my Mamaw's favorite and always reminds me of her and "Because He Lives". Sounds like an awesome CD!
I know this amazing family and have been blessed by the music of these young men LIVE and IN PERSON! I would love to win the CD but if I don't, I am just going to buy it!!
Blessed Assurance! Oh yes and In the Garden! They are sooooo comforting!!
"A Mighty Fortress" gives me chills.
i like a lot of hymns, but "Blessed Assurance" has really spoken to me over the past 11 weeks as my Mama has fought for her life due to postop complications of a routine hysterectomy. She is some better today, but we have that assurance EVERY day. Appreciate your prayers for her healing.
Amazing grace is my favorite hymn. My son plays it on our organ and it brings tears to me eyes.
How Great Thou Art is the first hymn I learned to play on the piano and will always be a favorite. I have found memories of playing the old hymns with my grandmother on the piano. She is playing them from heaven now.
I love Hymns and the "meatiness" of them. I think one of my favorites is "It is Well". That Hymn applies to everyone no matter what stage of life or what is going on. :)
If I had to pick a favorite I think I would pick ’Tis so sweet to trust in Jesus.
But I mean thats only if I had to pick!
How can anyone pick just one favorite?? My church is "contemporary" so I miss "Trust and Obey" and "The Blood of Jesus".
Thank you for sharing....have not heard of them! My favorite is Victory in Jesus!!!! Thank you for the chance!
My favorite hymn is Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing!! I'd love to have a hymn CD! I love the story of this family!
"Great is Thy Faithfulness" is my all-time favorite. I love all the old tried and true hymns, and I know I would be blessed to own this collection.
I love lots of hymns. "Like a River Glorious" is wonderful. I also like songs like, "Speak O Lord".
Thanks for sharing this CD with your readers.
It's a toss up for me between "It is Well" and "Holy, Holy, Holy." Love hymns!
I have too many favorite hymns, but one that always bring a tear to my eye is "The Old Rugged Cross"
My favorite is "Victory in Jesus". I used to see my Nannie have tears streaming down her face every time we sang this song in church. A most precious sight!
I have a few favorite hymns, Be Thou My Vision, Revive Us Again, and Wonderful Grace of Jesus.
Please enter me in your giveaway! I'm always on the lookout for good hymns.
kynaroyal (at) yahoo (dot) com
My fav- This is my Story!
Thanks, Allison
my email address
Hi! Kelly, just absolutey Love your Blog! Your baby is just a little "piece" of Heaven! About the fav., hymn, Oh! my gosh! don't make me pick!! but, The Old Rugged Cross, is awesome., and How Great Thou Art;(because I sometimes think I can hear my mom still sing those words,before she passed 5 yrs. ago):, Anyway have a Blessed Day!:)
I love "Come thou fount of every blessing". I absolutely love singing that hymn!! I would love to win this CD to have in the car for my little ones to listen to!!
It is well with my soul
My favorite hymn is "Be Thou My Vision"
I have listened to all their music on the Shekinah Springs website and enjoyed it.
ah, so neat! i love hymns too, especially "Fairest Lord Jesus" and "Holy, Holy, Holy."
wow!!! i checked out their site, LOVED the clips of "I'll Fly Away" and "Be Thou My Vision"! :) I LOVE the new Praise & Worship music, but there's just something about the "good old hymns"! :) i don't even know that i could pick a favorite!! :) i've been reading you since harper was born and have prayed with you and rejoiced with you in your precious little girl!! i have 3 daughters and i LOVE how you always dress harper!! :) my girls ALWAYS had big bows and ruffles! :) now, they look a pictures and just roll their eyes at me (nearly 16, 13 and nearly 11 years old now)! :) they are my BEST FRIENDS as well as my baby girls! :) enjoy all your moments with harper - they will go by so fast!! :)
"When Morning Gilds the Skies" would probably be one of my favorite hymns. :) -Emily
I like a lot of old hymns but if I won this I'd give it to my parents.
Some of my favorite hymns:
Amazing Grace
Be Thou My Vision
What a Friend We Have In Jesus
It is Well With My Soul
How Great Thou Art
This is My Story
Oh, I just have so many favorites because they all remind me of my grandpa and grandma who are now in Heaven!! My head is singing all of these right now and I can just hear my g'pa and g'ma singing them from above!!
I would LOVE the CD! And good ole' Amazing Grace is my favorite. Thank you!
I love How Great Thou Art and It is Well With My Soul (because of the story behind the hymn).
Here I Am Lord is my favorite hymn--we sang it at my friend Katie's funeral--and it was before I was a Christian as her life directly influenced my life to give it to Jesus. Now I think of Katie every time I hear the hymn and am grateful for how the Lord used her life to bring me to Him.
I love hymns and miss singing them. Our church does not sing a lot of old hymns. I would say my favorite hymn is His Eye is on the Sparrow.
Amazing Grace!
I love "And Can't It Be", "Great is Thy Faithfulness" and "It Is Well With My Soul". The CD sounds awesome!
I love many hymns. Here are just a few of my favorites:
"Great is Thy Faithfulness", "The Old Rugged Cross," "Just As I Am," "What a Friend We Have in Jesus," "There is a Fountain," and "Be Thou My Vision," "Amazing Grace," "Onward Christian Soldiers," "Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing," and "How Great Thou Art."
Can I still enter? I love Be Thou My Vision. Thanks!
Nothing like a gospel hymn! Two of my favorites are "The Old Rugged Cross" and "Victory in Jesus". I sing to my 2 year old at night before bed (bless his heart) and "Jesus Loves Me" is one of the songs. He is learning and picking up on the words and it makes me teary eyed everytime he sings a single word of it! :)
How Great Thou Art...classic
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