Wednesday, December 9, 2009


See newer post above to leave more comments - I think we reached the limit on this one.

This is a compensated review by BlogHer and HP.

That's right - I am totally serious!!

The nice people at HP recently sent me their new TouchSmart 600 PC. I've been using a pretty ancient Dell and so I'm a little blown away first that I have a new computer and second by how fancy this thing is.

It's look and feel to me is somewhat like an I-Mac - the all in one kind of thing. It has a 23 inch screen - which let me tell you is big! And it's so easy and nice to use. And it has this crazy feature called Touch Smart. It's kind of like using an iPhone (sorry I keeping referring to Apple products - but I know a lot of us use them - and this is just as great or better!!). You can touch the screen and do all kinds of neat things. It has great photo editing, slide show and movie applications.

BooMama is giving one away too and we were both SUPER excited about this feature called "Recipe Box". She and I both love to cook and eat food and this just made our lives a lot easier. You can pull recipes from the Internet to put in it and then it can be voice activated to give you commands wherever you are. Basically - it reads off the recipe while you are in the kitchen cooking. I don't know about you - but I do a lot of running back and forth to my computer when I make stuff.

It can be mounted on the wall and you can use the wireless keyboard across the room. It has TV and DVR in it! :-) I know I couldn't be more excited about an extra DVR in our house (not that I would EVER want to watch more than 3 shows at one time). You can also do netflix and it has a blu ray player!


They are letting me give one of my sweet readers a computer also!!!!

All you have to do is leave me a comment telling me why you would love to have an HP TouchSmart!

You actually have 5 chances to win - 4 bloggers besides me are giving one away - so go HERE and check it out!

And this is the official site for more details


  • No duplicate comments.
  • You may receive an additional entry by linking on twitter and leaving a link in the comments.
  • You may receive an additional entry by blogging about this contest and leaving a link in the comments.
  • This giveaway is open to US Residents, aged 18 and older
  • Winners will be selected via random draw, and will notified by e-mail.
  • You have 48 hours to get back to me, otherwise a new winner will be selected.
  • Please see the official rules HERE

And one more thing because you know I'm pretty emotional:

When we talked to HP about this new computer - they shared about how these computers were actually helping children with autism. I have a very special place in my heart for autistic kids so I think this is awesome!

I use this new computer to blog here:

What are you waiting for ............enter to WIN!


Unknown said...

The extra DVR would be awesome - we just recently got a DVR and I'm still learning, but man is it ever convenient!!! As for the touch features, I would be over-the-top in awe!

Unknown said...

I am going back to school and I do most of my classes online because I have 2 little girls at home. So it would be awesome to have this!

Kel said...

I would love one. It sounds like it has a ton of cool features!

Amy said...

My husband is in grad school and would totally LOVE to have a new computer for all of his super-complicated research and ridiculously long papers. I, however, would like it to shop and read blogs! :)

Thanks so much!

t said...

I would love one, it looks really nice.

Jaimee said...

Who wouldn't love a computer ( and a free one at that!) I would love to have a computer in my kitchen and the recipe thing sounds cool-I love to cook so this would be so fun!

Hillary said...

What an amazing giveaway-one winner is going to be a very happy person!!

You sold me on the recipe feature, because I too do a lot of running from kitchen to computer when I am baking-what a neat idea!

awesome giveaway!!!

aclark said...

I have an older HP desktop which I love. I have been wanting my own laptop so I can be mobile around the house to do work at home.

Catherine M said...

I would LOVE an HP TouchSmart! My old laptop is getting slower and slower!


Hillary said...

I tweeted about this too! :)

girlsmom0406 said...

I'm with Jaimee, who wouldn't love a new computer! We have a huge old computer right now and have been wanting a new one but finances never seem to agree. Not that our old one would go to waste because our oldest child started school this year and I'd love for her to have a computer of her 'own' (that she would eventually share with her little sister and brother ;) ) that wasn't connected to the internet.

Chris said...

How cool! I saw this on TV and thought a touch screen would be so fun! I'd love a computer so that I can take advantage of the hundreds of pre-school online activities that my son would adore. I don't let him on the laptop... well, ever. Too easy to have an accidental breakage. And also to access Kelly's blogs OF COURSE!

The recipes idea is so neat!

bbsue said...

We haven't had a new computer in about 10 years now so due for a new one. My husband is trying to start a new business so it would be helpful to have a reliable computer to invoicing and what not. Have two year old daughter who i take tons of pics with and our current computer just can't run photo editing software very well so i ahve to take them to work and edit them there.

Mary/Mommy of 5 said...

I would totally love one! With 5 kids (two teenagers using compuers for school constantly!) we are all fighting over computers in this house! :)
Good luck to all!!

Sonya said...

This is a sweet giveaway!!

Kendall and Brooks said...

As soon as this baby gets here in April I will be working from home - ON THE COMPUTER! This would be PERFECT!!!!

ktarbell43 said...

My husband and I share one labtop. He does the editing and producing of church sermons as well as creating weekly powerpoints, needless to say he's on the computer a lot. It would be great to have a desktop computer, so that we could both use a computer at the same time.

Unknown said...

Our laptop just crashed so it would be GREAT to win this!!!

mmalboeuf said...

What a wonderful gift this would be this time of year... Fingers crossed I Win!

Anonymous said...

What an amazing opportunities that are being offered on blogs today! This would be an amazing thing to win!

Here's hoping that it comes to my house!

The Doane Home said...

Wow I have never seen this before...would be super cool to win and check it out. Sounds like it has some great perks that would make life a little easier.

Me said...

we need a new computer to store all the pics and videos of our little 15 month old girl!

Leslie said...

Oh wow! I would love a new computer!

Lindsey said...

LOVE it! I didn't know it had DVR and Blue Ray capabilities! My old HP laptop is on its last leg...and this would look great in my sunroom/office!

Lindsy said...

When we moved recently our computer got wet in storage and died. We now only have my laptop which actually belongs to my place of business so we are computer less if you will. We need it!

Katie Cunningham said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Emory said...

The recipe feature sounds awesome. I am always looking for a spot to put the laptop in the kitchen when I am cooking!

Beth said...

I would LOVE to win a new computer! This is an awesome giveaway :)

Uncommon Blonde said...

Oh my goodness! What a fantastic giveaway! I would use this for photo editing and definitely the recipe function you mentioned. My fingers (and toes) are crossed for this one :)

Leslie said...

I tweeted!

The Undomestic Mom said...

This would be a HUGE blessing for our family! I have a non profit business making hats for babies in NICUs and I get all of my request from the computer...which is currently broken! Right now Im using my husbands which I wont be able to do for too long.

Tiffany said...

I would love to have an HP Touchsmart, because our desk top is ancient and Sloooooow! Especially with editing all of my photos - ug!
Thanks for the chance to win!

Brandi said...

I would LOVE to win this computer. I have been wanting it since it came out and I really really need a desktop computer. I had to sell ours last year.

Erin said...

Graduate school lends itself to a fancy new computer. I blogged about it for BooMama's site, too!

Brandi said...

I tweeted about this.

Megan said...

Yes yes yes!!!! Mine is about to die on me so this is awesome! What a cool feature!

Auntie D said...

I would love a new computer! Our laptop is on the outs!! It has been trying to do updates for almost 2 days! ERR! What an awesome giveaway~

Mrs.Joe said...

I would LOVE to win this so I could quit using my SUPER old desktop and actually be able to get work done when I'm at home!

Anna said...

My computer is old and I don't even have one DVR, and I love photo, all of these features just sound AWESOME to me!

ehardin said...

thanks so much! I would love this.. not as much as my kids would though...:)

Erin said...

That recipe box feature sounds AWESOME! Sounds like this computer has a lot of great features!

Heather said...

I would love to have an HP Touch Smart to help me work more efficiently from home (Parents As Teachers) so that I can spend more quality time with the family! Thanks for the chance!

kinleymarie said...

I would love to win this computer to give to my sister and niece! They are in need of a new computer and this would just be perfect!! Thank you!!

chburnsi said...

I would love one!! I am a grad student and this would be such a blessing!!!

The McIntyre Family said...

What a great giveaway!!! I could defiantely use a new computer...mine has a mind of its own most of the time and just have not been able to replace it. I love, love, love that this computer is giving a voice and a outlet to ones that need it!!! I had not heard about the recipe feature, but am liking what I read!!!

Ashley said...

I would LOVE new computer. I am a new stay at home mom & wanting to start a small online business.

Katie Cunningham said...

I would love to have this computer! My husband is trying to finish his bachelor's degree online and this would be so helpful. I would also be able to blog from home!
My email is tonyandkatiecunningham (at)

I blogged about this at

chburnsi said...

o and I also tweeted it!

Kate said...

What a fabulous giveaway :)

I would love one since my computer is about to retire :)

Briana said...

We could really use a new computer! As we now have two sons in school and they are taking computer classes (Yes, in 2nd grade and Kindergarten!) it'd be great to be able to give them our old one! We usually give our old ones to my parents when we upgrade. Always spreading the love around!

Tsosie and Peterson Bunch said...

I blogged about this.

The Kiddies and Me! said...

I would love to own an HP Computer. My Brother-In-Law has one like this and it's the best thing ever. I've been so jealous of his because it has so many really great features. It put's my slow old, computer to shame. Thanks for the chance to win one for myself.

Tsosie and Peterson Bunch said...

Please pick me. I need a computer to keep up with my internet.

Amy H. said...

Are kidding let me name the reasons!

Ok I will not list them all but number one, this would be a perfect way to enhance my home business!


Vicki said...

Wow! It's beautiful!
Would love to win this computer and be able to get rid of the old one that is just barely hanging on by a thread.

Unknown said...

What an awesome giveaway! I would love to have one b/c my husband and I are saving every penny to purchase a laptop. Our home computer is so old and about to say "bye bye" so this would be absolutely wonderful!! Pick me, pick me, ha!! Thanks!

Jennay said...

I would absolutely love LOVE love LOVE love LOVE a new computer!! I have a laptop right now that is on the verge of dying and this would definitely make an awesome early Christmas gift!!

Michelle said...

The DVR would be nice! We don't have one....also only one computer and would be so nice to have 2!

K Mommy said...

I would to replace my poor old Dell laptop with this new computer.

The Donley's said...

Merry Christmas to ME...*I hope*
What a wonderful give away!!! I am in need of a new computer mine has been with me since my freshman year of college (let's just say a LONG time!!!)

Becca said...

We homeschool and it would be geat because we're afraid ours is about to bite the dust!

jules said...

This would be totally awesome. I am indesperate need of an upgrade. And I love the big screen, I wouldn't need my glasses to see that!

The McIntyre Family said...

I tweeted about this giveaway also @!

Adrienne said...

Oh my! I would LOVE to win this!!

Tracy Williams said...

I would LOVE to have this computer because mine is an ancient Dell too. :) I would love to have a new fancy computer to blog on!

Laurie said...

What an amazing giveaway!

I need a new computer so bad, mine is a dinosaur! I'd love to win this.

Jessica and Ryan said...

O my word!! I would love to win!!
Thanks so much for the chance!!

tonsofcurlz said...

OK - wow. This would be incredible. I'd love a new computer because my relatively new Dell laptop crashed and died recently... just as soon as the warranty expired on it! I'm in real need of a new computer. I'm finding it hard to keep up with all of my favorite blogs from work!

Annie Lee said...

I would love a new computer because the fan on my laptop is broken so it gets really hot! so much for it being a "lap"top.. we have to use it on a desk

Danielle said...

I perked up the most at the DVR feature. We have a DVR but would love to have it in the home office, too!

The Sweet Life said...

I love your site. I read your site and decided I would sign up for this give away. :) My husband went to Vilonia High School...that is how I found your site.

We are in need of a computer, but we are in bigger need of a car. :) I am saving up for both. I take pictures and clean houses. I use to teach Math, but I'm trying to stay at home with my son as much as possible. This would just be AMAZING if I were able to get this computer. What a cool entry!!!!

Danielle Severs

Monica said...

I would love to have an upgrade for my computer and give my current one to my older son!

The Evans Family said...

I'd love to upgrade my ancient computer. And i'm a special ed teacher so if I can help children with autism--all the better!

Annika said...

What an amazing giveaway! I've always wanted a touchscreen...

Kenna said...

I could SOOO use this! We have an HP laptop that my two year old felt would be better without a shift key and a question mark key. It has seen better days! Thank you so much for the opportunity.

Jennifer said...

I would love to win one! I've heard that this is an awesome computer!

Unknown said...

OH.MY.WORD! I would LOVE this because...get this...we are using the computer my husband has had since COLLEGE!! And he graduated in 2003! I have never owned a laptop or a brand new computer like this one. So fabulous. I am going to go count my lucky stars right this very minute!

Laura said...

I would love this for my daughter. She is 3 and really loves playing with the computer at school - this would give us as a family and chance to use it together.

Jenny Patton said...

Our computer just crashed and my husband is going to seminary. I would love for him to have this new computer!!

Adeline said...

I'd love this computer! Mine is getting old and certainly doesn't have any of the cool features the TouchSmart has!

Shannon said...

I would love love LOVE this computer! I'd wanted to get my husband a computer for Christmas, but the budget just wouldn't allow it. This would be awesome!

Riley Kai said...

What isn't there to love! Of course I want one!

Unknown said...

OH! Please! What a super excellent Christmas it would be with a new HP

Jennifer said...

What an increddible blessing this would be. Thank you so much for hosting this contest.

Unknown said...

This would be the best computer ever! I hope, hope, I finally win something!

JustBetty said...

Need this computer to continue my quest of being a Lifelong Learner. The grown children and grandchildren need to know that the adventure continues .... even when you're as old as dirt. =)

Jolene said...

I have been using my old computer (also an HP) for 10 years! I would love to update. I need more space for pictures and video.

The Evans Family said...

I've blogged abut the give away!

Unknown said...

I would absolutely LOVE to have this computer! Our family desktop is over 4 years old and is on it's last leg. I'm sure that we will be seeing the dreaded blue screen of death in the near future. I have checked these HPs out at Sam's and they are awesome!

K Mommy said...

I blogged about it

Lori said...

My husband has decided to be a SAHD and is trying to start up his own PR business as well. I know he's going to have his hands full and this would be so great to give him a head start on his new career!

Beth Roberts said...

I'd love to win this -- my computer is on the fritz...the screen goes blank quite often. This would be wonderful to have to replace mine!!

tbmroberts at yahoo dot com

Carrie said...

I would love to have this computer! My computer is so OLD and SLOW. This would be great! I would like to start my own blog to keep up with family and friends and this would be a great incentive to do it!

Danielle (Life with the Hewitt Family) said...

I would love to win this computer. I would love to have a computer that I could use to easliy edit photos. There are so many things I want to learn how to do with photos but my current computer is extremely takes forever to work on anything creative.

Lexi said...

That would be awesome!! Hope I win :) Who wouldnt want that!

Tyra said...

My computer is about to kick the bucket. It's already crashed twice, one time leaving me with ZERO pictures from our firstborn when he was a wee baby. Winning a new computer would just tickle me pink!

K Mommy said...

I tweeted about it.

Beth said...

Hey I'd LOVED a new computer. I'm a college student so a computer would be great!

Tyra said...

Woohoo, I also TWEETED!

Lexi said...

I tweeted! SugarNSpicebaby
Pick me! :)

Traci said...

I'd love to have it for the photo editing and the DVR. My computer is old and needs to rest.

Beth said...

I would love on because I am homeschooling my 5 year old and she loves learning and playing games on the computer and I think this one woul dbe so easy for her to use!

Kellie said...

I have an ancient desktop which takes up tons of space in my back bedroom. My sweet little 2 year old girl would love to have that room as hers so she can fit all her toys! So, I would love to have one so it would fit on my itty bitty kitchen desk.

Holly Bailey said...

I would love this computer so that I could use it to do many things with my daughter and her friends. I can't believe you are giving away a computer!

Anonymous said...

This little pretty would make my life sooooo much easier!!! .... here's to hoping...

Lisa said...

I would love to win this. So cool!
As a therapist I can see how this would
be a great alternative for anyone who
has fine motor issues or arthritis as well.

Joy said...

I love that it has TV capabilities!! My roommates and I decided that being online is more important then tv... we just REALLY miss watching the Biggest Loser and the Office! haha

Alison said...

I would love to have this! Our home computer's battery no longer works. The features sound great (DVR, cooking, photo editing)!

A Stable Beginning said...

My girls would be the recipents of this new computer if I won. They would absolutely love playing their games on it and I could have my computer back for blogging. Thanks for the chance!!!

Hailey said...

I love that you can hang it on the wall. We have everything hung on the wall to keep handprints off of it. Ha!
What a great giveaway! Thanks so much!!

Traci said...

I Tweeted this too!

Sarah said...

My laptop is ready to bite the bullet any day. Would LOVE to win this.

Gina said...

I know my 6 year old would love this! I would too!

Emily Kate said...

I would love EVERYTHING about this. I'm mainly interested in a new computer for design purposes so this computer would definitely fit the bill!!

Amy E. said...

Very cool computer!! And how AWESOME that autistic kids are benefiting..those kids are special to me.
Winning the computer would be AWESOME!! especially since ours just crashed last week and it doesn't look good on getting it fixed! argh!! Thank goodness for work computers! ha!

AndreaChad said...

Oh Kelly, this is so exciting! I would love a new laptop that I could have in my kitchen so when I use a new recipe it could help me out!

Brittney Galloway said...

I would love it, because my husband and I are moving overseas and my 5 year old laptop is on the brink of utter collapse!

Unknown said...

Fingers & toes crossed! Thanks for the awesome giveaway!

Laura said...

Wow that is crazy! I would LOVE the touch screen, how cool! Thanks! :)

Nenay said...

Since both my husband and I are still in college, we would love an awesome computer like this! Since we have a small apartment, we have to share computers most of the time. This computer would make our lives much easier!

This is such a cool giveaway! Thanks Kelly :)

mommyof2sons said...

I would love to win this. Our desk computer "died" what an awesome computer.

Pam said...

I would love a new computer! The recipe box sounds very cool. My inbox is fool of recipe links for stuff I'm wanting to try. Thank you, Pam

Emily Kate said...

I tweeted!

Unknown said...

My current personal computer is on the fritz and I'd LOVE a new one!

Sarah said...

I tweeted about the giveaway

KatieB. said...

That's amazing! What a great present for you :)My husband really wants the Netflix on demand for Christmas and this would mean we don't have to buy a Blue Ray Player for it! :)

Alyssa said...

Wow I love the mount and wireless keyboard capabilities! This is awesome! My email is

AMY said...

My Mac, which I have mostly loved, is really starting to give me grief. The most heartbreaking of our recent problems was when my 4 year old daughter asked me to see some of her baby pictures. When I went to find them on the computer, I discovered they were gone... and the external hard drive they were backed up on... fried. 2 years of her life in pictures... gone!!! Strange things keep happening and I'm constantly living in worry that the entire computer is about to self destruct.
I think my love of Mac could be swayed. In fact based on your review, I think I would love the HP TouchSmart computer! Why don't we just rush out and buy a new computer? Money talks you see, but on a teacher salary, sometimes it just whispers. Get it? Got it? Good.

Joe, Christina, & Rocky said...

We have an old Dell too, I would LOVE this! I'm trying to start up some at-home side-work (crafts, design, etc) - this would be a HUGE help with the startup expenses!

Melissa said...

Definitely time for a computer upgrade!!

Amy E. said...

So I think I am doing this right..
I did a quick post on my blog

heididh33 said...

The recipe reading feature sounds awesome!! I would love to try that out!

Trina said...

One of your paragraphs on the details of the contest is really out of whack. It reads like you copied and pasted from an email they sent you and you forgot to edit it. Just thought I would point that out but you may not even read all these comments...

Anyway, the wall mount option sounds so cool as does the voice command and touch sensitive screen! I hope to win!

liant1215 said...

I would love a new computer to replace one I have had for the last 6 years. It's great how they are helping children with autism too!!

Faith said...

No way!!!! What an amazing giveaway! We desperately need a new desktop and this one sounds awesome!

onlyhuman13 said...

This is awesome! I am a newlywed college student studying chemical engineering and biochemistry and a big screen like the one on this computer is GREAT for doing my homework. Plus my husband is studying music and psychology to be a music therapist, and it would be amazing for him to do research on a touch screen, too!

Plus, who wouldn't love that recipe box feature? Amazing!

Jill said...

My husband needs a new computer disparately!! I would love to give him this one for Christmas. He would be so happy!!!

Jennifer said...

This might get me back into blogging! Plus, I have a new computer desk sporting an old computer :(

Trina said...

My tweet

Kelli said...

I'm in nursing school and it would be awesome to have a new computer for my school work!


Megan said...

I would love this computer so that I could potentially organize my life... it's been a work in progress for way too long :-)

The Whitakers said...

WOW!! I would love one!!

samantha said...

I'd love to win it for my husband - he's using our old dell while letting me use our new fancy dell!

The Branson Family said...

Our desktop is dying a slow death and my husband uses the laptop for work, so a new computer for the office would be lovely!

mer@lifeat7000feet said...

I would love to win this for my husband. His very ancient iBook is about to bite the dust!

Sarah said...

Love that recipe feature! How cool would that be. Pick me! Pick me!

Jessica said...

I've just started blogging and am LOVING it. Plus my Fiance is about to graduate from College in two weeks and currently doesn't have a job. His computer is ANCIENT and this would really help him on the job hunt!

marcie said...

This computer looks so awesome. I have Fibromyalgia syndrome and the ease of using this touch monitor would make such a difference. Thanks for posting and telling us about this great new computer!

Kaylan said...

WHAT!?!??! Holy mackeral!! A computere would be AWESOME!!! We have a laptop at home but it would be nice to have a desktop so the laptop could be saved for travels, etc. The whole set up looks AWESOME!!! What an incredible give away!!! RECIPE BOX?!?!?!?!??! I LOVE LOVE LOVE RECIPES!! I cannot imagine!!!!

Lindy said...

Oh that sounds so cool! I would love to win one!

waiting said...

WOW! I love the recipe box feature and the DVR and blue ray feature! How cool is all of that???

joelin said...

I would love to have a new HP computer! I'm in nursing school and everything we do is on the computer. My DELL is really slow. :(
Thanks :)

Julie said...

We would love a computer to keep in touch with our family (that live in 3 different states) My sweet hubby Mr Saftey would love one for school he is a Firefighter currently going to Paramedic school, and I am not going to lie I would love a fancy new computer to. for all my bloging fun.

Mallory's Mommy said...

oh my goodness that is like scary high tech for me, i dont have a touch-anything lol

Erin Hudson said...

that is awesome!!! my husband and i use the computer alot...and have 4 kids...3 of which are entering the computer world for games/school! would LOVE LOVE it!

Ali said...

I would love to win this computer! I am a recent college graduate and will be starting out as a high school science teacher. I need all the help I can get as I begin this new chapter of my life! =) Thanks HP for the great giveaway!!

Ali C.

Sarah said...

I tweeted!

Unknown said...

Okay can I just say that it's so pretttttty!! haha! I just love all things techie and so does my husband. Really we're an expensive pair to keep satisfied.

Sarah said...

Ohmygosh - that's incredible! I use a lot of recipes off the internet and like you have to run back to the computer OR just lug the laptop in there with the fear of getting something on it! Plus, an extra DVR would be awesome!!

Jennifer said...

And, of course I retweeted this!

Hillary said...

oh wow I would love to win, we could use a new computer!!!

Kaylan said...

Not to mention, my mother-in-law is using an ANCIENT desktop...I'll have to let her in on the giveaway!! OR if I win, I would love to offer her our laptop!!!!

laurieb145 said...

I would love this computer because my laptop is slowly dying..and we need a new computer real bad...

Anonymous said...

This is so cool! I would love to win this (although I'm sure my husband would love it even more!)

Unknown said...

I would love a new computer so that I could stop sharing with my kids!

Heather said...

WOW!! I'd LUV to win one! I'm sure I'd most enjoy the DVR, since we're still living in the dark ages without one! :)
Thanks for the awesome giveaway!
But I must say that the official info on the start and stop time is missing. It says it will come with your tracking pixals tomorrow! :)

Cindy said...


Amberdawn said...

This would be so helpful for me since I not only blog (haha), but work full-time and I'm going back to school. Being a mom and juggling all those things are so stressful, but it's such a blessing! Merry Christmas!

Christi said...

That recipe feature sounds awesome, I could use all the help I can get in the kitchen! My recipes are all printed and cluttering up my counter space right now. :) And the touch screen would be so cool. I do digital scrapbooking and take lots of photos to document my growing two year old, so this computer would be perfect. Plus, my husband and I are always fighting over the DVR so having that on the computer would help. My husband is a hard core Mac guy, but I'm still partial to PCs. :) And so glad HP is giving back to help kids with Autism.

Ali said...

I tweeted about the contest, too!

Kim said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Chelsea said...

This is an awesome giveaway. I would love to have it because our computer (a laptop) is very busted and ghetto.

rindie09 said...

Wow! Looks amazing...definitely going to give that a closer look :) Thank you!

Unknown said...

I work from home and another computer for my kids to use would be AWESOME!!

Kristi said...

My husband is moving across the state to finish his Master's and is taking my computer with him :(. I could really use this one (plus he would be extremely jealous because mine would be so much better ;))

Casi said...

My parents got one of these a few months ago and I've been coveting it ever since. Would love, love, love to have one in our own home - and so would my 10-year-old.

And I totally just Twittered about this!

lwalk said...

THis is the best giveaway--what an awesome toy! Thanks!!

ashleydiggs said...

I am so excited about this computer!

M.A. said...

This is awesome! I have to lug my personal laptop back and forth from work and home so it would be great to have a second computer - I am self-employed so this would be huge for me. Thanks for this great giveaway!

Heather said...

WOW! What a great giveaway! I would love this computer because my husband does a lot of work from home. Our desktop is on its last leg.

Anonymous said...

I would love to win this computer! Thanks Kelly for the wonderful giveaway. I'm RT the giveaway here

Thanks again xoxo

Tiffany said...

My computer was attacked yesterday and this would be a great thing to win!!

ELP said...

AWESOME!!! With my husband going for his masters and myself going back to school soon this will come in handy BIG time :)

April said...

WOW!! What an amazing giveaway! Thanks for the chance to win.

Unknown said...

Oooh I would love this! My ancient 10 pound lap top is nearing the end of its life (I can fell it and I am so sad about it! Its the only one I've ever had and my dad made sacrifices to buy it for me...and sadly he passed away last year)

We don't have a DVR so its so nice that this computer has one!!

Thats incredible that it will read off things to you! And I love that they are using it to help children with autism. Wonderful!

Melissa said...

This contest is helping me find new blogs! I can't wait to check yours out. But I would love to win this computer because my husband and I are both full time students and it would make things just a little big easier, and more fun!

I really hope I win!!

Megan L Hutchings said...

What an amazing gift! Web and I have had the same computer for several years and it is so s-l-o-w. It would be so nice to have one for our little guys to use when they get in school!

The Adams Family said...

I am struggling to have the right equipment to start a photography business and I think this would really help me out. I would be able to download and edit all of my pictures with a touch of my finger, I can't even imagine that! I would absolutely love to have this!

Stephanie said...

I would love to win this because we desperately need a new computer and don't seem to have any room in the budget for one! I have always wanted a new mac, but this looks just as great! I would love the photo and video editing abilities that my current computer doesn't have. Thanks for the opportunity!!

Janell said...

Wow!! How cool! I was a third grade teacher for 17 years, and I left teaching to open up a funky little cookie shop (I also have birthday parties here where kids get to decorate their own cookies!) This computer would be so perfect for me - I could use it to show customers pictures of my products, look up recipes, carry it upstairs in my shop where I do the birthday perfect!!

Emily said...

Keeping my fingers crossed... would LOVE to win this! :)

Stephanie said...

Here's my tweet!

Heather said...

I tweeted about this!

Kim said...

I tweeted - I want this bad!!!!

Rebecca (Craving Simplicity) said...

My husband is in an online seminary program and has the worst computer ever!! He would LOVE it!!

Angela said...

I would LOVE to win because we have TWO computers in our house that have just stopped working, and with the economy and Christmas it will be hard to buy another one for a while!

Thanks for holding this great giveaway!

MommaKiss said...

I'd looooooooove a new computer! We just bought the HP Touch Printer. Insanely gorgeous!

Deb said...

I would love to win this so my hubby and I could stop fighting over the desktop computer that we (supposedly) share! Plus it just looks like so much fun to use. :)

Jessica said...

I love tweeting (Awesome Giveaway!)-

Jessica said...

My laptop is thinking about biting the big one, so it would be awesome to have a new computer. this would be great! :)

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